Today in the modern world, most of the common practices are outsource by many companies in order to cost cutting, greater chances of availability of skilled labors etc. In this case of HR Solutions, Company was facing many problems with Asian customers due to which it lost many customers because of not providing the optimum level of quality services to their customers (Rim, and Setaputra, 2018). After losing so many clients, HR Solutions are now thinking that whether to go for outsourcing their work to the similar company or start in- house team operations or project should be outsourced to some other company that is located in Europe. Before taking any decision, the company should go for finding out some of the few benefits from outsourcing their work. On the other hand, Asian markets should also be evaluated on the basis of certain parameters.
• Cost Cutting: HR Solutions should go for outsourcing its work in Asian market because in this case company can go to control its HR cost. It is because in Asian markets, a company can get better quality services even in the low wage rate because the unemployment rate is moderate to high (Chiang, 2019). It will be easy for companies to get better skilled labors as compared to outsource company’s work in Europe. In European countries, Euro is high currency, so getting labors at a cheap wage rate will be difficult for the company. It will be ultimately increasing the cost of the company in case they are outsourcing their work in Europe.
• Easy availability of getting skilled labor: HR Solutions can easily and quickly get better and quality labors in Asian Markets. In Asian markets, skilled labors are having good knowledge about various fields and also they can speak in a way better than skilled labors in Europe. HR Solutions can obtain skilled labors in Asian markets without compromising the quality and best service in case they outsource their work in Asia (Kim, and Kim, 2019). Additionally, BPO and KPO workforce is also easily available in Asian markets.
• Availability of new and updated technology and infrastructure: As Asia is having a large number of developing countries and maximum of them provides new and updated technology that too with better infrastructure. In such case, if HR Solutions is going to outsource its tasks to Asian markets than it does not need to assist Asian firms to develop technology base infrastructure as it is already available. Therefore, it can also be said that Asian customer service provider can make transformations in their organizations, according as per requirements of the Company (Chiappini, Jégourel, and Raymond, 2019). This is the main reason that companies should remain in Asian markets.
• Providing the optimum level of services: Asian markets are commonly known for providing on time and demand services to their customers. Also, large numbers of Asian firms provide 24 hours 7 day service to their clients and in case, clients needs immediate requirements then also, Asia organizations provide them support immediately. Companies are having experts, skilled workforce and that is the reason that even complicated tasks can also be solved by the workforce in a short period of time. As the companies are always on time in order to provide services to their clients which relatively gives better results to the company (Golab, and, 2018). Moreover, in case higher number of employees is required for a project, then also companies can easily arrange as per requirements of the project. This is also another reason that HR Solutions should outsource their work in Asian markets.
From the above, it can be concluded that HR Solutions should go for outsourcing their business to Asian firms only rather than going to Europe markets. It is because HR Solutions are facing major problem not getting better service quality from Asian companies. Due to these reasons, HR Solutions lost many clients. In such case, if employees were given proper training and development and also, right employees are being recruited then a company may not face any such problems. Current problems faced by the company can be easily eliminated from the organization. Hence, at a lower cost company can easily provide better quality service to its clients. The company should adopt the proper talent management strategy so that proper transformations must be brought into organizational culture.
Additionally, company should recruit employees on the basis of their skills as set up by HR Solutions. Also, succession plan must be prepared by the company so that new opportunities must be created by the company to provide to the employees. By taking all these above Steps Company can provide better and quality services to their clients in a proper manner before the deadline. This will lead to retention of employees in workplace for a longer period of time.
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