In the present research study case is analyzed and principles of Fayol and the theory of Mintzberg are analyzed deeply to identify ways in which Mr. Johnson can become the best manager in the workplace. In respect to conflict management skills that one must have identified and are discussed in detail. In the last part of the report, self awareness skills that I intend to develop are explained if I were in place of Mr. Johnson. Finally, conclusion section is prepared in the report.
Main Body:
Mr. Johnson is appointed as manager of the plant that is located in Nashville, where one of the oldest units of the American Alliance company is located. Earlier, in the mentioned company there was centralized organization structure, but mentioned branch performance was poor. Considering this fact, top management of America Alliance Company decides to decentralize company operations. Mr. Johnson is responsible to manage entire plant operations other then sales. As per agreement or plan from now all teams related to varied functions will report to Mr. Johnson and mentioned person will receive command from home office. However, in few cases the functional head of plants can directly communicate with their counterparts in the front officer and this is one of major concern of Johnson and he think that such kind of things will create administrative problem for him.
It can be said that a major aspect of Johnson work as a manager is to manage varied functional departments and effectively do change management in the workplace as well as manage conflicts. Aspects of the Mr. Johnson work as manager can be better explained through Fayol principles. Unity of command applied in Johnson work. This principle state that individual employees must receive orders from only one individual and employee must be answerable only to that manager (Uzuegbu, and Nnadozie, 2015). If any individual will receive orders from multiple managers then in that case it will get confused and this will promote conflict among employees.
As per rules all functional department employees other then sales will receive an order from Johnson and it is an aspect of his work. However, these individuals will also remain in contact with the counterparts that are in the home office, but overall order they will receive from Johnson. Thus, management of varied functional departments is the aspect of the managerial job of Mr. Johnson. By following the principle of unity of command Johnson become a better manager at the workplace. Johnson need to ensure that counterparts are contacting each other and share information, but functional department employees working in plant are receiving and following only order received from his side. This thinking will help Johnson to become an effective leader and manager at the workplace.
On the basis of entire discussion, it is concluded that every manager face a lot of issues at the workplace and he need to identify alternative ways to handle a particular situation. One must promote interaction with the subordinates and by doing so better relationship can be developed with them. These assist managers to understand employee attitude and accordingly manager can identify a suitable approach to handle a particular situation. Meditation, appropriate leadership style and emotional intelligence are some of skills on which one must work to increase ability to manage conflict at the workplace.
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