Visitor Behaviour and Management

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Executive Summary:

Paris is the world 10th most visited tourist destinations and everyone across the world like to visit mentioned city. There are many reasons behind this as choices are available at the mentioned city. One if like to visit historical places, then it can visit Paris. Moreover, one if like to visit beaches and other natural places, then also Paris are one of the most preferred tourist destinations. Availability of sufficient choices is the major USP of the Paris. Apart, from this varied sort of dishes according to the people taste is available in Paris and due to this reason, individuals did not have a food related problem at Paris. This is another motivating factor to visit Paris. Eiffel tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre museum, Arc of Triumph, Cruise on the Seine, Montmartre and the palace of Versailles etc. are some of the most common tourist places located in Paris.

Tourism is going on a large scale at Paris and it is negatively affect nature. To prevent harm Government ban use of tourist buses at city center. Moreover, tour operators are advised tourists to use less plastic bottles. By doing so harm to the natural environment is reduced. Still, tourists did not understand their responsibility and generate lots of waste which harm aesthetic of tourist place in Paris which is an ethical issue. Change is seen in social value system and now people prefer to save more. Price of accommodation, restaurant and visit tourist place is high at Paris and due to this reason, in the long term less number of people may prefer to visit tourist places in Paris. Environment issue is also seen in Paris and rainfall pattern may change and in the winter more rain can be seen which will certainly affect tourism. Relative to Rome, Paris have more strength and less weak points. Hence, Paris is an attractive destination, then Rome. Paris need to take action to control overcrowd and in this regard it can direct traffic to less visited tourist spots and can give passes to visit tourist place to few individuals.



Paris is the one of the world top tourist destinations. In the present research study, an overview of the destination is given and along with it, key stakeholders that are responsible for managing and maintaining sustainability of tourist destination are also explained briefly. The motives behind visiting Paris are explained and along with this, ethical, social and environmental issues are explained. At end of the report, comparison of strength and weakness of Rome and Paris is made. Finally, recommendation section is prepared.

Overview of the destination:

Paris is the capital of the France and it is also known as the capital of the fashion. Paris is known as the city of love. Paris is located at the north side of the France near the river Seine. It is also known as most beautiful and romantic city of the world. Historic, iconic architecture, rich culture and wide variety of food items are seen at the Paris and this makes it popular city or most favorite tourist destination across the world (Paris attractions guide., 2020). There are many famous locations in Paris like the Eiffel tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre museum, Arc of Triumph, Cruise on the Seine, Montmartre and the palace of Versailles etc. Thus, there are multiple locations in the city and due to this reason it is popular tourist destination. Paris ranked 10th most visited tourist destination in the world. 9.8 million Tourists visited each year Paris.






On the basis of the above discussion, it is recommended that Paris must take some efforts to control over tourism or overcrowd. Over tourism negatively affect tourist destination aesthetic beauty and make the place less attractive for the tourists. Hence, to solve problem of overcrowd tickets must be given only to a specific number of people (Cró and Martins, 2020). Moreover, new tourist places must be discovered or developed and traffic must be diverted towards these places. By doing so to the great extent problem of overcrowding can be handled at Paris. Price cap must be determined by the Government and it must charge less on tourists at varying places. By doing so, the cost of travel can be reduced for the tourists and a number of tourists can be increased.



On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that attractive landscape, historical places, architecture, availability of varied dishes are some of the factors that make Paris as one of the most favorite tourist destinations. However, over crowd and higher cost of tourism are the reasons due to which individuals did not like to visit Paris.



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