Teamwork: Advantages and Disadvantages

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Each person in a team has to execute in their best possible way to fulfill a common predefined objective that called Teamwork. Sometimes a single brain is not enough to take critical decision. This is one of the main reasons why teamwork is significant. Further, it requires support and supervision of other person to bring out with an effectual resolution. Every individual of the team experience many challenges, opportunity, benefits and more (Baker, et al. 2016). Along with this, the current report is focused on the Teamwork advantages and disadvantages. The position of individual for this report is leader. This position is very important because this individual always tries to keep every member of team involved in a team.


Main Body:

Working in a team there are many pros and cons are experienced by leader as well as team members. Some significant aspects are discussed below-

As team leader following are the benefits which comes forward are as follow-
As a reason of choosing this position, it is explained in such a way that I have the experience and skills to manage the group effectively. It is a well-known fact that each group needs a good leader to inspire, react, correct mistakes, supervise, control. This is why I choose this position because of the organizing skills that I have in this way that I can make the best use of it.

One of the leading advantages of the teamwork is division of work. As a leader in an organization; no one can do all the work alone. Further, working in a team is beneficial because the work load will divide among team members. Individual did not look all the aspect of project individually. Every member has at least one part of the work to deal with. It is true smaller tasks require less time and endeavor so that the workload in the squad is notably reduced (Deichmann, and Jensen, 2018).

Although working in a team is does not mean that person only focus on its part only. Obviously first priority is for assign work. Once individual complete the task, member should other mates of the group. It is a sign of effective team. When a person is a component of a group, they will learn automatically how to work in a modest and selfless way. Further, actually Team work is a cooperative attempt for each and every team associate to attain their affirmed objective. As a team leader, it is the duty to give supervision to all the members of the team, in a way to achieve the defined goal (Driskell, Salas,and Driskell, 2018).






Teamwork is considered science as well as art. Some groups work very well mutually, while others feel that they have split up or actually impede progress. Some recommendation are give below to built effect team are-
• Communication is very important it is because it helps in determining the problem and to solve the issues.
• It is recommend to give task according to the skills and traits to the members of the team.
• Set clear objectives so everyone can do their best to achiving those defined objective.
• Clarification of roles, duties and responsibilities are also needed in the team which is set by leader.
• Actively participation from all the people of the group is neecesary.



Books and Journals

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