The telecom industry is one of the fastest growing industries across the globe. In current time period, many technological developments happened in the telecom industry. Some of plausible trends are AI, big data, virtual assistant and RPM. AI is considered as best plausible trend because in comparison to other one it assists firms in better way manage assets and handle infra related issues proactively and provide service without any interruption. In the report, in first section plausible scenarios are explained and in second section justification is given behind selection. In this way, entire research work is carried out.
Plausible scenarios:
The telecom industry is the one of the UK fastest growing industry. In the past few years technology development happened at a fast pace in the industry. There are a number of new advanced technologies that firms operating in this industry are using or intend to use. These technologies assist firms to cut down HR cost and become more efficient in the business (Ahmadi, Petrudi and Wang, 2017). In future some technologies will be rapidly adopted by the firms operated in the telecommunication sector. These technologies are Big data, IOT, RPA and AI. Plausible scenario in respect to these technologies is explained below.
• Big data: In current time period telecommunication industry is going through a phase of transformation in the business by using advanced analytics and big data technologies like Map R Data etc. Use of Big data assists business firms to optimize network services and deliver better experience to the customers. By using Big data technology and analytics telecommunication companies are able to predict duration or time when network use increases heavily and firm can become proactive and can take steps immediately to reduce congestion over network. Using mentioned technology, business firm can identify areas where customers can face service related issues and by taking action on time churn rate can be controlled in the business (Schoen, 2016).
Firms operating in the telecommunication sector are spending heavy amount on their IT infra and try to improve their services. Being able to process gold distributed events on a real time basis enable companies to understand service issues that are going on in the specific geographic area. Using Big data technology, business firms can optimize services with equipment monitoring and can take preventive actions in respect to dropped calls, less network coverage, bandwidth issues, poor download times, switching, frequency utilization and capacity usage. By using data that are generated in the network firm can identify and understand customer demographics, sentiment analysis of social media, calling circle data, browsing behavior from click stream logs and churn analysis (Sujata and, 2015).
By doing such kind of analysis firms can predict and improve customer experience and can prevent churn and prepare marketing campaigns in effective way.
• RPA or Robotic process automation: RPA can be assumed as technologies that automate business tasks by configuring robot or bot. This technology is able to perform many human related tasks. Tasks that are rule based and repetitive in nature are performed using RPA. In telecom industry few firms adopt this technology. RPA use assists in reducing cost, boost customer services and drive operational efficiency as well as improving data quality. It can be said that RPA saved human efforts by automating varied tasks. RPA is used in telecommunication industry in multiple ways (Imtiaz, Khan and Shakir, 2015).
RPA performs customer on boarding and off boarding tasks. It is very easy to add any customer when new one tries to join and remove them when they leave. Thus, the entire process is automated and in this there is no need to employ an HR for performing this task. RPA automate maintenance of billing records of the customers. Without any sort of error RPA perform this task and this is another area where firm did not need to employ any individual for billing related business task. This leads to huge saving of cost in the business.
By using RPA firms are able to serve customers immediately and provide them required info instantly. This leads to improvement in the customer service. All employees cannot be considered as equally efficient in service delivery and they many times make a mistake due to which customer remains dissatisfied with the service provided by the company (Petajajarvi,. and, 2015). Use of RPA ensures that customers will be served in proper manner.
On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that there are multiple plausible trends in the telecommunication sector like AI, big data, RPM and virtual assistant, etc. Out of all these plausible trends AI is the one of the most plausible trend. Due to use of AI telecom companies are able to predict performance of their assets and chances of failure in networks and equipments. Firms by taking proactive action easily handle the situation before it actually comes in existence. Hence, it can be said that AI technology is the most plausible trend due to benefits it provide the company in able to provide services to the customers without any interruption.
Books and Journals:
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