Leading Business Organizations (Sample-2)

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Part 1:

1(a.) Two main questions that leaders must ask to himself is that What do it need to do? How do it need to do?. On asking first question leader will come to know about the direction in which it need to work. On asking second question leader will come to know ways that it can adopt to do things to give good leadership to the organization.

(b.) Two main aspects of leadership are task orientation and relationship orientation (Lemus and et.al., 2015). Task orientation means that leaders performed tasks in such a way that lead to achievement of goals. On other hand, relationship orientation means that leader try to keep employees satisfied with its work.

(c.) Leadership style include skills and behavior that leader show along with its competencies in the specific business environment. There are varied leadership styles like democratic and transformational style etc.

(d.) In the VUCA environment two different leadership styles that are appropriate are democratic leadership and transformational leadership style. In case of uncertain, volatile and complex conditions one by taking opinion from subordinates can make better decisions (Li, 2017). On the other hand, one by following the transformational leadership style innovate business activities which improve firm performance in VUCA environment.

(e.) An in depth understanding of varied leadership styles is required because by using single leadership style one cannot lead its subordinates in better way in every situation. Thus, one must have knowledge of multiple leadership styles so that in a different situation, it can react in different ways and handle condition.

2 (a.) Mission refers to the dream or level up to which firm intends to reach and vision refers to the objective that firm set in order to achieve its vision in reality in the long term. Thus, the vision is prepared by considering mission of the firm.

(b.) In order to achieve the mission and vision of an organization two individuals contribute by skills, knowledge, intellectual capability, time and efforts. More workforces will be skilled and knowledgeable and dedication towards firm greater will be the probability of achievement of mission and vision (Leavy, 2016).

(c.) In execution of the mission and vision leaders contribute by giving proper direction to the workforce towards achievement of target and they formulate specific business strategy which their organization needs to adopt.

(d.) Stakeholders like creditors provide funding, suppliers make available quality raw material on time at an appropriate price and provide raw items on a credit basis as well as give appropriate time for payment of bill. Employees give their 100% effort towards the achievement of vision and mission. In this way, stakeholders contribute to vision and mission and influence decision making within an organization.

(e.) Aspiring leaders need to evaluate contribution of individuals and other stakeholders so as to generate maximum better results, sustainability and competitive advantage (Le Ng, Choi and Soehod, 2016).





Johnson is an effective role model for the aspiring leaders. Kevin at the same time focus on in different areas like HR and customer satisfaction, etc. Kevin not only works for profit motive, but it also takes care of its employees and customers’ interest. This is the main reason behind his success in the business world. Thus, he acts as a role model for aspiring leaders. Kevin thinks analytically and based on data make decisions. He did not remain overconfident and after seeing probability that decision he take will prove beneficial for the company implement it for the firm. Thus, chances of stock of capital investment in less return generating assets remain less. It can be said that he is very practical and calculative risk taker. This makes him role model for aspiring leaders.



Books and journals:

Albright, M. 2016. Servant leadership: not just buzzwords: the strongest leadership works in the service of the team. Strategic Finance. 98(4). 19-21.
Cashman, K. 2017. Leadership from the inside out: Becoming a leader for life. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Hahn, Y.. and Kim, D. 2016. Corporate social responsibility: A comparison analysis. The Journal of Business Economics and Environmental Studies, 6(4), 13-17.
Haskova, K. 2015. Starbucks marketing analysis. CRIS-Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study. 2015(1). 11-29.
Hazy, J. K.. and Uhl-Bien, M. 2015. Towards operationalizing complexity leadership: How generative, administrative and community-building leadership practices enact organizational outcomes. Leadership. 11(1). 79-104.
Hogue, M. 2016. Gender bias in communal leadership: Examining servant leadership. Journal of Managerial Psychology.
Indah, D. C.. and Sanawiri, B. 2018. Analisis Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) terhadap Keberlangsungan Bisnis Perusahaan Multinasional (Studi Pada Starbucks Coffee Grand Metropolitan Mall Bekasi). Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis. 54(1). 120-129.
Kay, M. J. 2019. Corporate Sustainability Programs and Reporting: Responsibility Commitment and Thought Leadership at Starbucks. In Corporate Social Responsibility: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 110-126). IGI Global.




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