Key issues organization culture faces in diversified workforce and their implications on IHRM managers

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Human resources are the most important assets for any organization as they contribute in the achievements of company’s goals and targets. In order to manage all the employees of company, it is very essential to have proper Human Resource Management team in the company. They are the ones who set up the organizational culture which is followed by everyone in any company. HRM gives training and development, performance assessment to their employees so that they can be productively used for achieving company’s targets. It has been observed now-a-days that organizational culture is becoming more and more diversified because of change working patterns of employees (Cho, 2017). It is because culture is invisible force which directly impacts the moral values, engagement & performance of employees prevailing in the company. It is been said that diversified workforce directly impacts the organizational culture of company. Also, diversity in the workforce leads to strong influence on the organizational culture. It is clearly stated that employee’s performance is totally based on company’s culture. This report consists of depicting the various issues of diversified workforce which are directly related with organizational culture and what are their implications on HR managers.


As per the study of Lambert, 2016, organizational culture is very much essential for all the companies in order to improve the organizational performance. Organizational performance depends too much on prevailing culture of the organization and organizational culture is based on the human resource of the company. Workforce diversity directly impact on organizational culture and it has been observed that now-a-days employees are diversified because of change in patterns of work. Patterns of employees working has been changed from traditional way of doing work to modern way of doing work i.e. freelancers, flexitime workers, part- time workers etc. Workforce diversity is generated because of change in working patterns. It has been observed that many times diversity is good because it help in boosting up the organization performance and its bottom line. Employers have the choice to hire the brightest and skillful labor among the alternatives available in front of him (Rice, 2015). Diversity is good because it helps in exchange of opinions and ideologies between any two employees and also, welcomes individuals to adopt the peculiarities. Multiple generations present at one place will not only be useful in exchanging their information but it will also help in promoting organizational culture and social cohesiveness.

Hwang, 2015 argued that differences in view points of two people can lead to lashes and quarrels among the employees. Diversity in workforce many times leads to clashes because of different opinions of employees. Moreover, attitudes of different employees also matters because if one employee is polite and other employee is harsh on all employees then it may negatively impact on organizational culture. Company can even face loss of work in case all the employees are giving different solutions for one problem. In such a case, problem solution may get delayed and ultimately company has to bear all the loss of not giving possible solution for the problem. Diversity has been increased when companies go for off shoring (Mousa, 2016). This is done when existing employees are found to be expensive in terms of their salary & benefits. Off shoring creates threat to existing employees and this is the reason that it limits employee’s focus and productivity.




• Every company should have diversified workforce so that it can bring new innovative ideas in the organization;
• IHRM managers should take into consideration organizational culture while preparing various policies;



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