In this case study analysis, there are restructuring characteristics of a semen company. There are sandals made that are considered to be making a problem and more of all damage to the company. Scandal is called to be a problem in business which causes public outrage, and it is illegal to act. In this case study analysis, there is all impacts of activity are also discussed and its business is details discussed, Siemens. Different types of situations are discussed regarding the Siemens Company in India. The main characteristics of this particular company are also discussed over here in brief with an explanation.
Question 1
Discussion of Bribery Scandals at Siemens
There is a group which is known as transparency international, and it is a group which is against corruption given a letter to this Siemens Company. In what message there were several things written for this company to make this company dissolve (Basu, 2019, p. 154). There are some legal actions which this group has taken the initiative to take the membership of the company due to some illegal activities made. A union of European countries has imposed a fine of €600 million for this company due to unlawful acts this company has made.
There is additional security of different countries, including the United States Security Council to take action on this company and they have also imposed Siemens to give a fine. It is also called to be a United States exchanges commission which called Siemens to provide an amount for excellent (Bharucha, 2018, p. 171). Before taking money from this company, there were several investigations and searches, and till the end of the year during October Siemens had to give an amount of €179 million with tax to the government.
Due to illegal activity and the scandal, this company had to give more fines regarding tax liabilities and the bills were up to €188 billion. Nokia is a company who has made a joint venture with Siemens, and there was a fear of Nokia that if they also have to give okay regarding the scandal caused by Siemens (Chaddha, 2016, p. 190). There are many contracts and deals are there which are banned due to the activity that his company has made. Contracts like military contracts were made by this company in Norway which was cancelled due to the activity that is caused by this Siemens Company.
It can be concluded or analyzed from this case study analysis that there are different types of strategies taken by Loeischer to make the company have more profits and betterment. It is for the good future of the company and there many characteristics are explained in the case study which will also grant a good function for the company. Restructuring will make the Siemens company move forward as there were huge losses incurred by this company due to a scandal made by employees of this organization. It is good to make changes in the company otherwise the company will be dissolved and this only done in this case study and also discussed.
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