Present research work focuses on multiple aspects of the HR domain. In the research report, varied sort of resource strategies are explained and their varied aspects are critically discussed. In the middle of the report, an extensive evaluation of retention paradox is done and comments are made on the same. At the end of the research study, ethical and professional ways of curtailing workforce are discussed in detail. At end conclusion section is prepared and in this way entire research work is carried out.
Resource strategy and effectiveness:
When firm carries out its business on large it need to ensure that there is sufficient number of employees in its business at the right position with the right skills and then remain in the company for the long term. Strategy through which these things are ensured by the firm is known as resource strategy (What is human resource strategy?., 2020). Varied type of resource strategies is used by the firms and these are explained below.
• Reallocate task: In case any position got vacant, then in that case’s firms by following this strategy assigns vacant job tasks to multiple individuals. In order to fill a vacant position interview is taken. Unless a candidate is not selected for vacant position tasks of vacant job are performed by other individuals (Baum., 2016). Many times firms determine few employees that perform vacant position tasks and due to this reason their frequent job rotation happened. Consistent change in job role prevents one to learn anything in perfect way and he remains inefficient. This is negative side of this strategy.
• Relocate employees: In case for vacant job alternatives is available firm following above given strategy, but in case there is no alternative available at workplace relocates employee’s strategy is followed in the business (Murphy., 2016). This employee is transferred from one location to another for a specific duration. Once job got filled again employee is brought to previous location. Demerit of this strategy is that if any employee is frequently moved at different locations then it feels frustrated.
• Selection of candidate: In this strategy individual is recruited and selected by following a process that is predetermined by the HR department of the company. Demerit of this strategy is that sometimes selection process is not designed in a proper manner and due to this reason unskilled employee also got selected on job.
On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that there is the huge importance of resource strategies for the firm and cautiously same must be used in the business considering their merits and demerits. Firms must try to retain only those employees that due to any discrimination or due to any valid reason decide to resign from the company. Those who make less pay or grievance as main reason for resignation must not be retained in the company. This is because by addressing their issues they can be retained in the business for short term period. While the firm curtail its workforce it must expel any employee on valid grounds and expel of employees must be justified on ethical and professional grounds.
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