Engaging the diverse workforce (BUSM4307): ASDA

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ASDA is the one of the UK largest retail company. In the report, varied resource strategies merits and demerits are explained. Retention paradox is explained and in this regard argument is done. In the middle part of the report, ethical and professional ways to retrench workforce is discussed briefly. In this way, research work is carried out in the research study.

Resource strategy and effectiveness

Resourcing strategy has due importance for the firms because by using it a firm hire correct number and type of employees and retain them for long term in the business. Due to its significance ASDA time to time evaluate resourcing strategy and make changes in it in order to make more effective for the firm. Currently, the company is following wide sort of resourcing strategy in its business and the same are explained below.

• Reallocate tasks: ASDA is operating at large scale in the UK and it has large workforce. Sometimes few of employees resigned from their job and position become vacant. It takes time to hire quality staff for the workforce. During the time position remain vacant firm shuffle tasks among employees and in this way tasks related to vacant position are performed by varying employees (Cui and et.al., 2017). However, there is limitation of this approach as sometime in firm’s employees are frequently placed in varied positions and due to this reason they does not get experience on specific positions. Such kind of employees has less knowledge and remains inefficient in their work. Thus, frequent reallocation of the task cannot be considered good strategy.
• Reallocate employees: IT firms commonly follow this strategy and under this geographical location of employee are changed or it is transferred. When position got vacant and there are no alternative resources having experience with respect to vacant position, then in that case this resource strategy is followed by the firms (Rieckhof, Bergmann and Guenther, 2015).
• Recruitment of new staff: ASDA as per its requirements hire employees from multiple sources. Employees are hired by the firm from colleges, employment agencies or portals, etc. Sometime firm also directly contact with candidate who have years of experience and offer his job. Demerit of hiring any employee selected by the employment agency through the interview is that sometimes they do not refer relevant candidate to the company (How to create a human resource strategy., 2020). ASDA HR department also ask few questions and failed to identify right candidate for the job. Thus, there must be highly standardized selection procedure at the workplace.





It is concluded that merit and demerit of every resource strategy must be taken into account before making final decision. In order to retain employee for long term skill development opportunities must be given to them. To retain employee salary hike or addressing grievances must not be done. Employee retrenchment must be done considering T&C of employment contract and on valid grounds employees must removed from the workforce. This is ethical and professional way of curtailing workforce.



Books and Journals:

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How to create a human resource strategy., 2020. [Online]. Available through:< https://www.digitalhrtech.com/human-resource-strategy/>




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