Business Research Plan

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Social media is one of the powerful and effective tools for marketing in the current time period. E-commerce companies and other sort of companies are using social media on a large scale to do the marketing of the product in an effective way. For E-commerce company’s now social media is the tool through they which easily communicates to the person attractive deals. Social media tools in recent years play a crucial role in assisting firms to generate sales online. Traffic simply view ad on the platform like Facebook and by clicking on it land on the company website where they can easily make purchase of the product. Many companies like Hubble observe strong growth in their revenue by doing Facebook marketing. Social media platforms also assist firms to provide better after sales service to the customers. Many times it is seen that if a customer has any grievance, it place same on social media and firm promptly respond to it. Thus, by doing so firms successfully create and retain customers in the business (Dahl, 2018). It can be said that there is huge significance of the social media platforms for the company.

Literature review:

Social media and elevation in revenue
According to Karimi, and Naghibi, 2015 social media play a very important role in assisting firms to earn more revenue in the business. It can be observed that individuals find content that is presented in the social media very interesting and informative in nature. Due to this reason, social media content has strong power to persuade the people to buy the company product. More strong is content in better way firm can reach its target customers and can generate more revenue from them.
As per views of Ananda, Hernández-García, and Lamberti, 2016 proper marketing strategy that is implemented on social media platforms to promote word of mouth marketing among people. This makes brand popular and increase awareness about it among people. Consequently, individuals start trying company, product and this lead to elevation in sales of the revenue.

Ashley, and Tuten, 2015 state that those firms that provide subscription service gain huge benefits from the social media marketing. Such kind of firms, conducts contests and some activities on social media platform and promotes active engagement between people and them. Through this contest interest is developed among customers. Once the customer subscribes product every month product is delivered at its doorstep. Thus, more firm has retention rate and low churn rate it consistently earn more revenue from the social media platforms. Thus, social media platforms benefit more to the firms that follow social media platforms in their business.

Contrary to this Dahl, 2018 state that social media marketing always did not prove effective for the firms. There are a number of reasons behind this. One of the main reasons is that many times firms failed to identify their target audience accurately. Due to improper research or wrong assumptions firm failed to target its product to the customers in proper manner and due to this reason social media marketing campaign failed in the market.
Sometimes Armstrong, Delia, and Giardina, 2016 Facebook algorithm did not find that specific ad can generate better results. Moreover, changes in the algorithms directly affect ways in which marketing can be done in a better way on the social media platform like Facebook. Hence, type of ad firm formed and changes in algorithms also heavily affect the results that firm achieved through social media marketing efforts. Sometimes due to these reasons firm earn less revenue in Facebook marketing.



Evaluation of individual research plan:

In the introduction section brief info about social media marketing is given. In this section effectiveness of the social media for the business firms is explained in detail. In this section example of the company is also given which successfully make use of social media for its business. By using example, it is reflected that social media is an effective tool of the marketing. In case any firm did not get the desired results, then it means that it is making mistakes somewhere. Example of success of Hubble contacts is the strong evidence of multiple benefits that firms receive in their business by making use of social media channels.

Considering objectives entire literature review section is classified into the four parts, namely social media impact on revenue, social media effectiveness measurement, social media and online engagement with people and a social media role in understanding customers. Classification will help the reader to easily navigate through the literature review section. By covering aspects like understanding and engagement with customers and revenue and performance measurement scope of the research study is made wide. These aspects are covered to reflect to the readers that use of the social media marketing is not just limited to the doing marketing of the company product. Social media has multiple advantages for the firm like it helps them to generate leads in the business, retargeting individuals, doing engagement with people and customers in a proper manner. Feedback can also be received from the social media platform. Thus, through research study by focusing on all these areas multiple advantages of social media marketing for the firms are explained in above sections.

In the research methodology section deep review of the entire research requirement is done. In the present research main aim is to identify patterns and accordingly form a theory that social media marketing prove effective for the firms. Hence, due to this reason the inductive research approach and interpretivism research philosophy is taken into the account. To identify patterns best way to do the analysis is conducted thematic analysis of the research study. Statistical tools are not used because it is used to prove any sort of theory or assumption. Thus, overall it can be said that research methodology is prepared by considering actual research requirements. Questions in the questionnaire will be arranged in a specific way so that respondent if given the wrong answer then it can be tracked. Hence, it can be assumed that data analysis will be done in proper manner.


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