Business Research Plan (Sample-3)

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Research topic: The research is proposed to determine “Role that supply chain play in reducing costs for automobile manufacturers”.


During financial crisis European and USA automobile manufacturers saw a decline in the sale of their cars. At the same time, Chinese Automobile manufacturers’ business grows at a fast pace. Chinese firms were able to produce cars at cheaper rates than rivals. This for the first time attracts attention of the entire world towards Chinese automobile industry (Kerswell and Pratap, 2015). There are a number of areas on which firms work to control costs in their business. Like many firms innovate their technology and control production cost. Some companies reduce complexity of business operations and simplify it and generate economies of scale in the business (Bhanot, Rao and Deshmukh,. 2016). So, basically there are many areas by working on which cost saving is done by the business firms.
The supply chain is the one of the important areas on which many companies are focusing for cost cutting and control (Supply chain., 2020).

Those firms that are operating globally like Uniliver are using analytics and BI technology to review their operations and reduce supply chain cost. These firms by using such kind of technology identify short routes for transportation, place order for raw material only in required quantity and keep track of delivery time etc (Shivajee, Singh and Rastogi, 2019). Availability of data assist firm to optimize its business operations and this lead to reduction in cost in the supply chain.

The present research study is focused on role that supply chain plays in assisting firms to cut down the production cost of the business. The research work will focus on identifying extent to which use of approaches like EOQ, JIT, IT infrastructure lead to reduction of cost in the business Lot more is said about these approaches in respect to cost control (Traub-Merz, 2017). In this study by using the suitable data analysis method in depth analysis of the effectiveness of these techniques will be done.




Evaluation of the research proposal:

Evaluation of aims: In current time period most of business firms are focusing on developing cost leadership so that more market can be captured and loyal customer base can be developed. In order to do cost cutting multiple areas is there on which varied companies operate. To make research topic more specific and to do study at granular level focus is on supply chain management and its role in assisting firms to control cost in the business. Supply chain is vast in size and to great extent contributes to total cost that firm bear in its business. This is the reason due to which supply chain is major focus point. In present research focus is on automobile sector under which companies sold their vehicles globally and have global supply chain. Such kinds of firms have complex supply chain which sometimes leads to elevation in cost of the business. Because focus is on automobile sector attention is specifically paid on SCM and its role in cost control in automobile business. It can be said that aim is more specifically prepared in the research report.

Evaluation of objectives: On evaluation of objectives it can be seen that focus is on transport routes, EOQ, JIT and IT infra. Firms commonly operate in automobile sector make use of these old concepts and new technology to manage their supply chain related operations. Thus, focus is on these four to identify whether by using these four, supply chain operations are managed efficiently by the business which leads to cost control or reduction in the business. It can be said that objectives are prepared accurately in the business.

Evaluation of literature review section: In the LR section supporting and contrasting facts are given in respect to EOQ, JIT and BI technology by critically discussing their positive and negative points. By doing so attempt is made to develop broad understanding about significance of these approaches in supply chain management.
Evaluation of RM section: In RM section considering sort of results that intend to be obtained from the research study interpretivism philosophy and inductive approach is selected. Main aim is to develop a theory based on data analysis not to test a theory and due to this reason above mentioned philosophy and approach are taken into account.



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Supply chain., 2020



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