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The mechanism of changing a car tire is not a complex process but can cause significant issues if not done properly. It must be done by a professional or at least a person who knows it and is efficient in handling the tools which are required in the process. This study has explored the concept of the tire change procedure in vehicles and has tried to combine all the parts that are relevant to the situation. For instance, application of the lug wrench and the Jack is combined in this study along with the alignment studs and the wheel lock. The final singular component is ideated, and the proposed design is explained in the study with a diagram. It has tried to combine all the functions and operations of these devices into a single component for efficiency and accurate procedure.


The process of changing the tires of a car is not difficult but time-consuming. The reason for this is the use of multiple tools that are needed in the process like the Jack, lug wrench, and the wheel lock (Uniroyal-tyres.com, 2020). These three items are must to safely change a flat tire of most cars. Many car owners prefer to use only Jack and the lug wrench to change their flat tires. This study proposes a design for a tool that can carry out all the tasks that are performed by multiple tools used in the tire changing process. It provides an overview of the function and the proposed design so that it can be used white car owners to change flat tires directly.

Analysis of the problem:

The process of changing a flat tire in a car is time-consuming because of the manual intervention of the driver or any mechanic. The lug bolts that are present in the tires process all the more difficult for a person who is not experienced in changing a flat tire. At the same time, many people can feel overwhelmed due to the use of multiple tools in this process, like lug wrench, Jack, alignment studs, and wheel lock (Driving.ca, 2020). This means that any sudden tire changing situations can prove difficult for a person who has not faced such an incident before. There are various ways in which engineers and designers try to create a single tool for the tire changing process. However, most of them are concept designs and come along with hefty prices because of the presence of automation. The equipment used in the tire changing process is also complex for some people because, in case of an emergency, it can overwhelm people. Hence, proper training is always required in the tire changing mechanism so that such situations can be easily managed. This helps to overcome problems related to losing tires that can cause accidents and other road mishaps.

One of the major problems involved in the tire changing process is the lack of training in the case of most drivers. Experiencing a flat tire is indeed a rare phenomenon, but when it happens, it creates a lot of problems if the driver does not have any experience in changing a car tire. Moreover, as explained above, the process of changing a tire is a critical operation because the safety of the car depends on it (Hertoolbelt.com, 2020). If an inexperienced driver tries to change a flat tire, there is a high chance that the new tire is not placed correctly, which can lead to accidents. This is the reason why there is an increasing demand for road safety which also includes basic car handling and maintenance procedures. Unfortunately, most people are not interested in the search initiative that has led to an increase in multiple accidents on the road due to flat tires or due to improper tire changing processes. As suggested by Oluwole Timothy and OLUGBADE (2018), this is the reason why this study has explored the idea of single equipment for the tire changing process. Ensure that an event and experience person can effectively and safely change car tires without any prior knowledge of it




It can be summarized that the development of a single tool for tire changing in a car is both safe and effective. It is because flat tires can occur anywhere, and a single tool helps to expedite the process of changing it. The tool designed here is to change flat tires in most cars and is useful for carrying, using, and training drivers. It is also important to state that most of the tools that are used for changing a flat tire are covered in the single tool which proves its effectiveness and makes the process all the more simple. As observed from the images provided, it is compact in design and size, which makes it easier to learn and use in times of emergencies. This helps in better functioning of the car as well as saves time in the process of changing a flat tire.



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