Diversity and Inclusion

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Present research study article “Inclusion and inclusion management in the Chinese context an exploratory study” is evaluated. In this article detailed discussion is carried out on seven factors, namely inclusive teamwork, inclusive communication, inclusive decision making, fairness treatment, inclusive leadership, tolerance and inclusive adoption (Dovidio, 2016).

Out of all these factors inclusive decision making is considered best for inclusion in the workplace. In order to understand why it is best out of all above given alternatives it is necessary to evaluate its major components. It can be seen above that component of the inclusive decision making are fairness employees participating in the decision making process, group discussion and delegation. In research it is identified that ethnically diverse companies, 35% more likely to earn a higher amount of revenue than those who do not have a diverse workforce. Those firms who have racial and ethnic diversity on senior boards, enjoy 0.8% elevation in EBIT than those who do not have a diverse workforce. In scientific research also it is identified that there is statistically significant positive relationship between diversity and innovation. Hence, it can be said that diversity matter a lot for the firm and it have significant importance for it. Diversity can be achieved in the workplace when there will be a congenial work environment in the company and more and more employees will be included in the decision making process of the firm (Jackson, 2019).

This is the reason due to which includes decision making is given due importance in the present research study. If employees will be allowed to participate in the decision making process then they will be able to communicate their opinion on the floor whether it is related to the problem they faced by the company or the business problem that company is facing in the current time period (Koury, Semenza, and Shropshire, 2019).

They will feel good at the workplace and congenial work environment will be developed. Ultimately, this will help companies in maintaining a diverse workforce at the workplace. Diverse groups have different thoughts, feeling and attitude as well as opinion about the same topic. Inclusion of more diverse groups in the decision making process ensured that specific issue will be evaluated from all angles and prudent decision will be taken in the workplace.





On the basis of entire discussion, it is concluded that there is significant importance of diversity and inclusiveness for the company. If there will be diverse workforce, then with that case’s firm can increase its business at a rapid pace and earn more profit. Firms have to take several initiatives at the workplace time to time to promote diversity and inclusiveness in the company. In this regard time to time changes must be made in the organization culture so that congenial work environment can be developed in the workplace.



Books and Journals

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