In current time period there are a number of leadership styles and leaders, according to requirement and company culture follow the specific leadership style in the business. In many firms, high power distance culture can be seen. In a high power distance culture entire power remains in a few hands and they instruct subordinates. In case subordinate failed to perform a strict action is taken against it. Such kind of things negatively affect the workforce and due to this reason it become very important to identify appropriate leadership style so that company in which there is high power distance culture in better way leadership can be provided to the employees at the workplace.
The chosen topic is very important because now a day’s handling a business becomes a very complex task. Days gone when superiors instruct subordinates and they follow it and remain entire life in a single company (Hu and Judge, 2017).
Now a day’s, employees demand better working environment. They have a number of alternatives and if they did not find better working conditions they resign from the firm. Such kind of things directly affects company growth because it failed to develop a workforce that is highly skilled and efficient in its task. Thus, in the present research work is an attempt made to identify best leadership style that can be followed in the company which has high power distance culture. Focus in the report majorly is about transformational leadership style and slight attention is also paid on transactions leadership style.
In the present research study, varied issues related to companies are identified that follow the high power distance culture. An attempt is made to identify ways in which transformational and transactional leadership styles can be adopted to handle these issues. Some of the common issues identified are that firms follow high power distance culture do not value their HR and impose instructions on them. Working conditions provided to the employees are also very poor. Lack of efficiency, cooperation, teamwork is some other issues that are discussed in respect to the negative sides of high power distance culture. There are number of entities which can be benefited from the research study (Inderyas and, 2015).
These entities are corporations, leaders and managers. This research study revealed the negative impact that adoption of high power distance culture has on the company. By reviewing the entire research work mentioned entities will come to know areas where they must work like HRM and organization culture etc to prevent harm that high power distance culture caused to the company. These entities will also come to know about ways in which transformational leadership and transformational leadership can help them to counter negative sides of higher power distance culture. Thus, it can be said that present research work will assist mentioned entities to improve business performance or managing management related issues in proper manner at the workplace. In the report each and every issue is addressed in proper manner and ways in which these leadership styles can assist firms is explained in detail.
Conclusion and recommendation:
On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that there are many companies that are adopting a high power distance culture. This culture is prominently seen in the companies that are operating and originate from specific nations like Russia, where power distance culture is very high. In the companies where the high power distance culture is adopted it can be seen that superiors instructor give orders to the subordinates and latter entity have to follow that order without making any question to superior (Petan and Bocarnea, 2016). Such kind of things negatively affects entire workforce motivation level. Moreover, employees feel frightened because if they make any mistake strict action will be taken against them.
In the essay issue discussed is the problems that companies face due to adoption of a high power distance culture in the business. Due to adoption of high power distance culture employees remain frightened, the firm failed to make effective use of HR in the business. Moreover, employees become less efficient due to poor working conditions. Employee’s intellectual capital and creativity also come to end because they have to perform tasks in the way their leader instruct them to do. Thus, with passage of time employees become addicted to receive order from leader to perform any task.
In the research sufficient study is done because specific issue multiple aspects that are given above are discussed in detail. Apart from this, ways in which adoption of transformational leadership and transactional leadership can assist firms to deal with these issues is also discussed in detail. Thus, it can be said that the research study scope is wide.
It is recommended that managers must follow the transformational leadership style in the high power culture. By giving opportunity to employees to participate in the decision making process, skill development and knowledge sharing their career development can be done and leader will also get highly intellectual and skilled subordinates (Jiang and, 2015). This will assist one to give strong leadership to the employees at the workplace. The leader can also follow transactional leadership style and under this employees can be given reward if they perform well or vice verse. Such kind of things, will assist the leader to lead subordinates in a better way at the workplace by motivating them.
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