SWOT and PESTLE analysis of Hilton Hotels

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Hilton Hotel is the one of the well known hotel chains in the UK. In the current time period more and more nations are focusing on promoting tourism, which creates employment opportunity in the nation. Such kind of things positively affects Hilton Hotel. Thus, to do situation analysis and the ways in which these situations affect Hilton SWOT and PESTLE analysis is done in the present research study. Current research aims at identifying impacts of market conditions on the Hilton Hotel and strength and weakness of the mentioned hotel to deal with such kind of market conditions. In the report, SWOT, PESTLE is done and conclusion as well as recommendation section is prepared.

Company background:

Hilton Hotel is the global brand and was founded in the USA on 31 May 1919 by Conrad Hilton. Hilton Hotel mainly target business and leisure travelers. Today, Hilton Hotel is present in major cities of the world. It mainly establishes its premises at city center, near airports, convention centers and popular vacation destinations (Plan your future trip today., 2020). Hilton Hotel to grow consistently is focusing on developing loyal customer’s base in the business. In this regard, it launch loyalty programme under which individuals get good amount of discount and few free services. Such kind of things accelerates growth of the Hilton Hotel years over years. Major rival of the Hilton Hotel is Marriott Hotel and other hotel chains operating globally.




On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that Hilton Hotel has a strong brand name and it is its major strength along with the quality of services it offered to the customers. Weakness of the firm is that its market share is very low because it follows the high pricing strategy in its business. IT system of the firm is also not efficient. There are ample opportunities for the Hilton in the Indian and Chinese markets and by forming JV it can expand its business at fast pace in these nations. Due to high price there is a threat to the Hilton. Further, the economic and social environment also creates challenges for the Hilton Hotel. Due to corona and the slowdown that was in the economy and shift in the person’s value system, it is expected that in the upcoming time period revenue and profit for the Hilton may decline. Moreover, legal environment also creates threat for the Hilton hotel.


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