Organizational Behavior

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Organizational behavior is vast subject and motivation is its one of the most important topics. Now a day’s firms are focusing on motivating their employees so that they can be retained in the business for a long time. In the essay varied reasons due to which employees feel less motivated in UK firms is discussed in detail. Along with by applying varying motivation theories root cause of less motivation is identified in terms of psychological aspects. Critical comparison is made between Maslow, Herzberg and Mc Clelland theories in respect to specific points. At end of essay conclusion section is prepared.

In current time period it becomes very hard task to manage workforce in the business. There are a number of reasons due to which employees remain dissatisfied at the workplace which significantly affect their motivation level at the workplace. Some of the points related to UK work context are discussed below and suitability of motivation theories is identified.

Poor workplace relationships: In the UK, employees spend long working hours at their office and there is a high level of individualism in the workplace. Individualism score in the UK is 89 on the Hofstede model which validate that there is higher individualism in the mentioned nation. Due to individualism employees does not support each and other poor workplace relationships developed in the workplace (Tsai and, 2016). Employees feel less motivated as they do not get the necessary support at the workplace. Maslow hierarchy theory state that each individual have social belonging needs and due to this reason, individuals like to work in groups. On the other hand, Herzberg theory state that there must be not scope for bullying behavior. In the workplace, healthy and good relationship must exist between peers and superiors as well as subordinates. Good workplace relationships motivate individual to stay long in the company.

In comparison, of Maslow and Herzberg theory, it can be said that former one does not state anything in detail about workplace relationships. It just talked about natural human behavior (Ryan. and Deci, 2017). On the other hand, the Herzberg theory in a more extensive way in respect to a firm state that strict action must taken against those who show bullying behavior. Herzberg more in detail, explores relationship between motivation and workplace relationships.



On the basis of the above discussion, it is concluded that UK firms can apply Herzberg theory in the workplace to increase the motivation level of employees then Maslow and Mc Clelland theory. This is because Maslow theory just talked about human needs and it does not discuss these with respect to the corporate environment. Further, in the theory things are not explained in detail. In Mc Clelland theory focus is narrowed relative to Herzberg theory (Wulf and Lewthwaite, 2016).

Former one focus only on need for achievement, affiliation and power and it cannot address all multiple issues due to which employees feel less motivated at the workplace. On the other hand, in Herzberg theory things are explained more specifically and clearly and scope is also very wide. Hence, Herzberg theory is most suitable in UK work context because it have wide scope it is able address many reasons due to which employees feel less motivated at firms in UK.



Books and Journals:

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Brown, P. R. and, 2015. The use of motivation theory in engineering education research: a systematic review of literature. European Journal of Engineering Education. 40(2). 186-205.
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