Organizational Culture

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Part 1

According to the Chitrakar, 2017 organization culture refers to the value system, belief and attitude as well as ways in mangers does the management of the company in the workplace. There are varied models or types of organizational culture, namely communal culture, fragmented culture, networked culture, mercenary culture, clan culture, holacracy, meritocracy, Denison and Adhocracy culture models. In his point of view networked culture model is best of all these alternatives. This is because in this form of culture higher level of socialization is promoted in the workplace. Due to this reason congenial working environment gets developed in the company and it becomes a best workplace for the people.

Anant, 2015 also state that in networked organization’s culture’s main emphasis is given on open communication between all levels of employees due to which trust and confidence build up between them. This leads to the development of better team in the workplace. Due to open communication if any subordinate have any idea or he sees something wrong in the workplace it directly communicate same to manage. This promotes a culture under which immediate action is taken to solve problem, whether it is related to company business or employees.

This has been explored in previous studies by Ranjan, 2017 in the networked organization culture collective value system is developed under which importance is given to each team member and his ideas. If any individual has any objection on any decision, then its voice is heard. Means that suppose there is a team of 14 members and two or three of them have different opinion their voice is here and the plan is implemented when consensus is obtained from those three members. Thus, in networked organization culture focus on taking all employees or team members together in every decision and giving importance to each one equally in the team.





• Manager must have meeting with team members: The manager must regularly conduct a meeting with the team members and must ask them to communicate their grievance. If there will be any grievance then action must be taken on time so that team performance remains unaffected.
• Manager must regularly monitor workload: There is a probability that due to conflict team leader do partiality at the workplace and give more work to few team members. In order to avoid such kind of situation central monitoring system must be developed under which manager must be able to check the level of load individual have on specific days (Flores-Fillol, Iranzo, and Mane, 2017). By taking action on time manager can control such kind of partial behavior of the team leader in the workplace.
• Appraisal: Team leaders send an HR performance review of the HR department of the Barclay and accordingly appraisal of the employee happened. Managers of the Barclay must also send their performance review on team members. By doing so it can be ensured that the employee receives appraisal according to work it done at the workplace.
• Incentives: Incentive whether it is financial or non financial must be given to the employees at the workplace for the extra work they do. If incentive will be given, the individual will love to learn new things. This will benefit both companies and its employees. Even one is overloaded then also it will work with full efficiency at the workplace (Lyubovnikova, and 2018). Thus, it is necessary for the firm to give incentive to the employees at the workplace.
• Fast decision making: Fast decision making must be promoted at the workplace. Barclay is following network organization culture and due to this reason every decision is taken after receiving consensus of all team mates. In team, everyone must have a voice and right to put his opinion, but team leader must take a decision on which majority of the team members has consensus (Sokhanvar, and Mosadeghrad, 2017). By doing so fast decision making can be promoted in the workplace and firm can be better responsive to changes that are occurring in the business environment.



Books and Journals

Anant, H. S. 2015. A study of the impact of openness and trust on the quality of interpersonal relations within organizations. International Journal of Recent Advances in Organizational Behaviour and Decision Sciences (IJRAOB) An Online International Research Journal (ISSN: 2311-3197). 1(3).
Cha, J., and 2015. Transformational leadership and inter-team collaboration: Exploring the mediating role of teamwork quality and moderating role of team size. Group and Organization Management. 40(6). 715-743.
Chitrakar, R. 2017. Organization Culture and Learned Helplessness. Journal of HR, Organizational Behaviour and Entrepreneurship Development. 1(1). 17-20.
Flores-Fillol, R., Iranzo, S.and Mane, F. 2017. Teamwork and delegation of decisions within the firm. International Journal of Industrial Organization. 52. 1-29.
Ghaferi, A. A.and Dimick, J. B. 2016. Importance of teamwork, communication and culture on failure‐to‐rescue in the elderly. British Journal of Surgery. 103(2). e47-e51.
Hornstein, H. A. 2015. The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management. 33(2). 291-298.
Hu, J.and Liden, R. C. 2015. Making a difference in the teamwork: Linking team prosocial motivation to team processes and effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal. 58(4). 1102-1127.
Körner, M., and 2016. Interprofessional teamwork and team interventions in chronic care: A systematic review. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 30(1). 15-28.
Lines, B. C., and 2015. Overcoming resistance to change in engineering and construction: Change management factors for owner organizations. International Journal of Project Management. 33(5). 1170-1179.




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