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Executive Summary

Sustainable tourism development is the concept under which focus is on reducing impact on the environment and local culture and generating employment for the local people. Thus, under this concept main concern is about local people and natural environment. There are some common stakeholders in the tourism sector, local people, tourists and tour operators. It is identified that sometimes within these stakeholders group people have different opinions. For example, in tour operator section multiple tour operators may have different thinking on ways in which sustainability can be brought in the tourism sector. Thus, it is not necessary that all units of the specific group have the same opinion on sustainable tourism development. There are many ways in which sustainability can be achieved in the tourism sector. By limiting waste and environmental degradation sustainability can be achieved. By integrating tourism in to planning, practicing better management, developing urban tourism strategies, educating people, developing sustainable recreational activities sustainability can be brought in tourism. Education is assumed as the best way to achieve sustainability in tourism.

This is because Government alone cannot do anything and in each situation it needs a lot of support of the people. If people will work with the Government then sustainability can be easily achieved in the tourism. Stakeholders like tourists, tour operators and local people give top priority to the cultural heritage, natural environment in terms of sustainable tourism development.

There may be differences between these groups in respect to ways in which sustainability can be achieved in the tourism. However, these groups assumed that cultural heritage, natural environment are two areas by working on which sustainability can be achieved in tourism. By preserving historical places tourists in future can be motivated to visit the tourist places. By maintaining sustainability in a natural environment degradation can be prevented and tourism can be elevated in the nation. In the research study it is also identified that for the tourism related plans and programs sustainable tourism development factor have taken into account to a great extent. Means that when any tourism related site is developed then in that case it is ensured that development is not harming natural environment and will benefit local people. Social cost and benefits are taken into account before developing any tourist place. In this regard, local people’s opinion is also taken and by doing so it is ensured that there will be sustainability in the tourism.

Now a day’s rural people also give importance to the sustainable tourism development because tourism lead to their economic development. Rural people understand significance of the sustainable tourism and due to this reason they give it higher priority. On comparing sustainable tourism development with economic benefits rural people give more importance to the latter one above sustainable tourism development.

Article 1: Examining stakeholder group specificity:

An innovative sustainable tourism approach
• Rationale of research: Research was necessary to conduct because from long time it was assumed that individuals that belong to specific stakeholder group all have the same opinion on sustainable tourism development.
• Perspective of sustainable tourism development: There is need to access the need of the stakeholder group to large extent. The attitude of the stakeholder groups needs to be accessed concurrently so as to determine the preference of the people in respect to the sustainabletourism.
• Methods: A sample was taken from the Tarkine region, Tasmania which is located in the Australia. Specific sampling method was used to take sample units from the population.
• Findings: It is identified that it is not necessary that all members of the stakeholder group have the same opinion on sustainable tourism development. Specific individuals may have different opinion and due to this reason assessment of attitude of individuals must be done and it must not be assumed that all members of specific group have the same opinion on sustainable tourism development.
• Personal reflective statement: On analysis, it seems obvious that it is not necessary that all individuals belong to specific group have the same opinion. Individuals may have different opinions on sustainability. Thus, while working on the sustainability of tourism large samples of people must be taken randomly and their opinion must be taken.





Books and Journals:

Amir, AF and, 2015. Sustainable tourism development: A study on community resilience for rural tourism in Malaysia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences . 168 (116–122).
Muresan, I. C. and, 2016. Local residents’ attitude toward sustainable rural tourism development. Sustainability, 8(1), 100.
Chen.J.s., 2015. [Online]. Tourism stakeholders attitudes toward sustainable development: A case in the Arctic. Available through:<>.
Hardy.A., 2018. [Online]. Examining stakeholder group specificity: An innovative sustainable tourism approach. Available through:<>.
Zamir.A and Corbos.R.A., 2015. [Online]. Towards Sustainable Tourism Development in Urban Areas: Case Study on Bucharest as Tourist Destination.




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